Predictable pricing for SaaS companies of any size

Optimize your software pricing and packaging today, regardless of where you're at in your journey!


Perfect for companies just starting out on their pricing and packaging journey.

Start for free
Get started with
  • Up to 5
  • Unlimited
    public plans
  • Up to 1,000,000
    metering records
  • Unlimited
    subscriptions and customers
  • Community support


Empower sales to onboard enterprise customers with tailor-made plans.

Let's talk
All of the features in FREE, plus
  • Up to 50
    enterprise plans
  • Up to 5,000,000
    metering records
  • Advanced
    aggregation formulas
  • Role-based
    team accounts
  • Email support


Supercharge your team with the ability to optimize pricing and packaging at scale.

Let's talk
All of the features in GROWTH, plus
  • Unlimited
  • Negotiated
    metering records
  • Custom
    aggregation formulas
  • Dedicated support manager

Products contain pricing plans along with feature and metered levers. They typically represents a single product offering for your customers, although they can also represent a part of a larger product, a group of products, or whatever makes sense for your business.

Metering records/month

For metered pricing (Also known as usage-based, consumption-based, or pay-as-you-go pricing), every time you report usage for tracking and aggregation a metering record is created.

Public plans

Plans represent pricing offerings of your product. They can represent a tier of a multi-tier pricing model, a one-off package that never expires, a temporary add-on to a recurring subscription plan, or anything in between.

Enterprise (private) plans

Enterprise plans are perfect for onboarding large customers on bespoke plans. Enterprise plans do not show up in public API queries for your product's plans.

Custom aggregation formulas

Planship includes formulas for aggregating usage by total usage, by usage per bucket, and by unique buckets. On enterprise plans, more advanced aggregation formulas can be added to meet your specific business needs.

Role-based teams

Add teammates within your company to your Planship subscription. For example, allow your sales team to provision enterprise accounts within your specified parameters.

Type of support CommunityEmailDedicated
Entitlement checks UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
API access YesYesYes
Features and levers UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Integrations StripeStripeStripe, Custom
Subscriptions/Customers UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited


Does Planship take a cut of my revenue?
Nope, never! We offer predictable pricing based on the features, usage, and value you get from using Planship.
What if I go over the amount of metered usage reports included with my plan?
Not to fear! We continue to collect the metering that you report. We simply pause aggregation calculations on the overage data until you upgrade.
Does Planship act as a middleman between me and Stripe?
No. Planship works alongside payment and billing solutions like Stripe. Planship can integrate with Stripe, but it doesn't stop you from using Stripe directly or changing providers.
I still have questions!
Happy to help! Please contact us.

Sell more subscriptions, faster.